As a company interested in learning from our users and fans, KBS has long been exploring ways to connect with our audience. Online, the world is changing with the progression of social media and our ability has grown tenfold to converse with an everyday fan and share that experience with the rest of our base. It's truly a unique opportunity and one that we don't take lightly. has truly emerged on that scene growing tremendously in recent years to become golf's largest online community. WRX now boasst approximately 100,000 fans and has brought significant consumer attention to component suppliers such as KBS Tour steel shafts.
Recognizing this new medium, KBS Tour shafts signed on with last fall as a sponsoring partner and immediately set to work developing a survey (posted below) to learn from our fanbase there. The results were truly supportive. In total we saw over 1,200 unique respondents take the time to answer our questions and offer feedback for our team to review. Our survey wasn't perfect but it still sheds light on many player's sentiment for our product and the design. As such, we thought it may be helpful for those still 'wary' to take a look. We've posted a link to the full results HERE and at the bottom. Take a look at the summary below and let us know what you think!
--Survey Demographics:
Total Respondents = 1,183
68% hold an 11 handicap or lower
40% hold a 6 handicap or lower
82% classify as a 'consumer'
64% do not currently play KBS
Survey Results For Respondents Not Playing KBS - 752 respondents
70% of players having demoed KBS “Likely” to shaft KBS in next set
40% of players never demoing KBS still “Likely” to shaft KBS in next set where 52% “Unsure”
Survey Results for Respondents Currently Playing KBS – 442 respondents
88% indicated satisfied or better with KBS ball flight
91% indicated satisfied or better with KBS ball dispersion
93% indicated satisfied or better with KBS club feel
In each category, less than 4% of respondents were unsatisfied
And, less than 1% do not plan to repurchase KBS in their next iron set.
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